Bhaktamara Stotra

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Bhaktamara Stotra is a famous Jain Sanskrit prayer. It was composed by Acharya Manatunga (seventh century CE). The name Bhaktamara comes from a combination of two sanskrit names, "Bhakta" (Devotee) and "Amar" (Immortal). The prayer praises Rishabhanatha (Adinath), the first Tirthankara of Jainism. There are forty-eight verses in total. The last verse gives the name of the author Manatunga. Bhaktamara Stotra is believed to be at least a thousand years old, though many believe it to be still older. Bhaktamara Stotra has been passed down from generation to generation. It is an ageless panegyric. The importance and effectiveness is believed to have increased with the passage of time. Bhaktamara Stotra is recited by many with religious regularity. The original Stotra is in Sanskrit and written in Devnagiri script. Bhaktamara stotra is widely illustrated in paintings. At the Sanghiji temple at Sanganer, there is a panel illustrating each verse. The verses of Bhaktamar are thought to possess magical properties (tantra). A mystical diagram, yantra, is associated with each verse. "Sadhak Shivaanand Saraswati" (Udayraj Gadnis) has painted a number of yantras associated with Bhaktamar stotra. There is a temple at Bharuch with a section dedicated to the Bhaktamar and its author Manatunga. The Bhaktamara Stotra is composed in the meter "Vasantatilka". All the fourteen syllables of this meter are equally divided between short and long syllables i.e. seven laghu and seven gurus and this belongs to sakvari group of meters. It is believed that such an equal division into short and long syllables will help an aspirant attain the state of equanimity quickly, the meter itself serving as a catalyst The Bhaktamar Stotra has 48 stanzas. Every stanza has four parts. Every part has 14 letters. The complete panegyric is formed by 2888 letters. It is said that some specific stanzas are miraculously effective for fulfilment of different purposes.

1.भक्तामर - प्रणत - मौलि - मणि -प्रभाणा- मुद्योतकं दलित - पाप - तमो - वितानम्। सम्यक् -प्रणम्य जिन - पाद - युगं युगादा- वालम्बनं भव - जले पततां जनानाम् Bhaktamar pranat maulimaniprabhanam uddyotakam dalita pap tamovitanam.Samyak pranamya jin pad yugam yugada- valambanam bhavajale patatam jananam. Having duly bowed down at the feet of Bhagwan Adinath, the first Tirthankar, the divine glow of his nails increases luster of jewels of their crowns. Mere touch of his feet frees the beings from sins. He who submits himself at these feet is saved from taking birth again and again. I offer my respectful salutations at the feet of Bhagavan Adinath, the propagator of religion at the beginning of this era.
2.य: संस्तुत: सकल - वाङ् मय - तत्त्व-बोधा- दुद्भूत-बुद्धि - पटुभि: सुर - लोक - नाथै:। स्तोत्रैर्जगत्- त्रितय - चित्त - हरैरुदारै:, स्तोष्ये किलाहमपि तं प्रथमं जिनेन्द्रम् Yah samstutah sakala vaangmaya tatva bodhaat dudbhuta buddhi patubhih suraloka naathaih. Stotrair jagattri taya chitta harairudaaraih stoshye kilahamapi tam prathamam jinendram. The Lords of the Gods, with profound wisdom, have eulogized Bhagavan Adinath with Hymns bringing joy to the audience of three realms (heaven, earth and hell). I shall offer my obeisance in my endeavour to eulogize that first Tirthankar.
3.बुद्ध्या विनापि विबुधार्चित - पाद - पीठ! स्तोतुं समुद्यत - मतिर्विगत - त्रपोऽहम्। बालं विहाय जल-संस्थित-मिन्दु-बिम्ब- मन्य: क इच्छति जन: सहसा ग्रहीतुम् Buddhya vinaapi vibudharchita padapitha stotum samudyata matirvigata trapoaham. Balam vihaya jala samsthitam indu bimbam anyah ka ichchhati janah sahasa grahitum. Shameless I am, O God, as a foolish child takes up an inconceivable task of grabbing the disc of the moon reflected in water, out of impertinence alone, I am trying to eulogize a great soul like you.
4.वक्तुं गुणान्गुण -समुद्र ! शशाङ्क-कान्तान्, कस्ते क्षम: सुर - गुरु-प्रतिमोऽपि बुद्ध्या । कल्पान्त -काल - पवनोद्धत- नक्र- चक्रं , को वा तरीतुमलमम्बुनिधिं भुजाभ्याम् Vaktum gunan gunasamudra shashankakantan kaste kshamah suraguru pratimoapi buddhya. Kalpanta kala pavanoddhata nakra hakram ko va taritum alam ambunidhim bhujabhyam. O Lord, you are the ocean of virtues. Can even Brihaspati, the teacher of gods, with the help of his infinite wisdom, narrate your virtues spotless as the moonbeams? (certainly not.) Is it possible for a man to swim across the ocean full of alligators, lashed by gales of deluge? (certainly not).
5.सोऽहं तथापि तव भक्ति - वशान्मुनीश! कर्तुं स्तवं विगत - शक्ति - रपि प्रवृत्त:। प्रीत्यात्म - वीर्य - मविचार्य मृगी मृगेन्द्रम् नाभ्येति किं निज-शिशो: परिपालनार्थम् Soaham tathapitava bhakti vashanmunisha kartum stavam vigatashaktirapi pravrittah.Prityatma viryam avicharya mrigi mrigendram nabhyeti kim nijashishoh paripalanartham. O Great God ! I am incapable of narrating your innumberable virtues. Still, urged by my devotion for you, I intend eulogise you. It is well known that to protect her fawn, even a deer puts his feet down and faces a lion, forgetting its own frailness. (Similarly, devotion is forcing me to eulogise you without assessing my own capacity).
6.अल्प- श्रुतं श्रुतवतां परिहास-धाम, त्वद्-भक्तिरेव मुखरी-कुरुते बलान्माम् । यत्कोकिल: किल मधौ मधुरं विरौति, तच्चाम्र -चारु -कलिका-निकरैक -हेतु: Alpashrutam shrutavatam parihasadham tvadbhakti-reva mukhari kurute balanmam. Yat kokilah kila madhau madhuram virauti tachchamra charu kalika nikaraika-hetuh. O Almighty! I am so unlettered that I am subject to ridicule by the wise. Yet, my devotion for you forces me to sing hymns in your praise, just as the cuckoo is compelled to produce its melodious coo when the mango trees blossom.
7.त्वत्संस्तवेन भव - सन्तति-सन्निबद्धं, पापं क्षणात्क्षयमुपैति शरीरभाजाम् । आक्रान्त - लोक - मलि -नील-मशेष-माशु, सूर्यांशु- भिन्न-मिव शार्वर-मन्धकारम् Tvat sanstavena bhavasantati sannibaddhampapam kshanat kshayamupaiti sharirabhajam. Akranta lokamalinilamasheshamashu suryamshu bhinnamiva sharvara mandhakaram Just as the shining sun rays dispel the darkness spread across the universe, the sins accumulated by men through cycles of birth, are wiped out by the eulogies offered to you.
8.मत्वेति नाथ! तव संस्तवनं मयेद, - मारभ्यते तनु- धियापि तव प्रभावात् । चेतो हरिष्यति सतां नलिनी-दलेषु, मुक्ता-फल - द्युति-मुपैति ननूद-बिन्दु: Matveti nath ! tava samstavanam mayedamam arabhyate tanudhiyapi tava prabhavat. Cheto harishyati satam nalinidaleshu muktaphala dyutim upaiti nanudabinduh I begin this eulogy with the belief that, though composed by an ignorant like me, it will certainly please noble people due to your magnanimity. Indeed, dew drops on lotus-petals lustre like pearls presenting a pleasant sight.
9.आस्तां तव स्तवन- मस्त-समस्त-दोषं, त्वत्सङ्कथाऽपि जगतां दुरितानि हन्ति । दूरे सहस्रकिरण: कुरुते प्रभैव, पद्माकरेषु जलजानि विकासभाञ्जि Astam tava stavanam astasamasta dosham tvat samkathapi jagatam duritanihanti Dure sahasrakiranah kurute prabhaiva padmakareshu jalajani vikasha bhanji. The mere utterance of the great Lord's name with devotion, destroys the sins of the living beings and purifies them just like the brilliant sun, which is millions of miles away; still, at the break of day, its soft glow makes the drooping lotus buds bloom.
10.नात्यद्-भुतं भुवन - भूषण ! भूत-नाथ! भूतैर्गुणैर्भुवि भवन्त - मभिष्टुवन्त:। तुल्या भवन्ति भवतो ननु तेन किं वा भूत्याश्रितं य इह नात्मसमं करोति Natyadbhutam bhuvana bhushana ! bhutanatha bhutairgunairbhuvi bhavantam abhishtuvantah. Tulya bhavanti bhavato nanu tena kim va bhutyashritam ya iha natmasamam karoti O Lord of beings ! O Ornament of the universe! It is no wonder that he who is engaged in praising your infinite virtues (imbibing the virtues in his conduct) attains your exhilarated position.It should not be surprising if a benevolent master makes his subjects his equals. In fact, what is the purpose of serving a master who does not allow his subjects to prosper to an elevated position like his ?
11.दृष्ट्वा भवन्त मनिमेष - विलोकनीयं, नान्यत्र - तोष- मुपयाति जनस्य चक्षु:। पीत्वा पय: शशिकर - द्युति - दुग्ध-सिन्धो:, क्षारं जलं जलनिधेरसितुं क इच्छेत्? Drishtava bhavantam animesha vilokaniyam nanyatra toshamupayati janasya chakshuh.Pitva payah shashikaradyuti dugdha sindhohksharam jalam jalnidhe rasitum ka ichchhet? O Great one ! Your divine grandeur is enchanting. Having once looked at your divine form, nothing else enthrals the eye. Obviously, who would like to drink the salty sea water after drinking fresh water of the divine milk-ocean, pure and comforting like the moonlight?
12.यै: शान्त-राग-रुचिभि: परमाणुभिस्-त्वं, निर्मापितस्- त्रि-भुवनैक - ललाम-भूत ! तावन्त एव खलु तेऽप्यणव: पृथिव्यां, यत्ते समान- मपरं न हि रूप-मस्ति Yaih shantaragaruchibhih paramanubhistavam nirmapitastribhuvanaika lalamabhuta Tavanta eva khalu teapyanavah prithivyam yatte samanam aparam na hi rupam asti. O Supreme Ornament of the three worlds! As many indeed were the atoms filled with lustre of non-attachment, became extinct after constituting your body, therefore I do not witness such out of the world magnificence other than yours.
13.वक्त्रं क्व ते सुर-नरोरग-नेत्र-हारि, नि:शेष- निर्जित - जगत्त्रितयोपमानम् । बिम्बं कलङ्क - मलिनं क्व निशाकरस्य, यद्वासरे भवति पाण्डुपलाश-कल्पम् Vaktram kva te sura naroraga netra hari nihshesha nirjita jagat tritayopamanam. Bimbam kalanka malinam kva nishakarasya Yad vasare bhavati pandu palasha kalpam Comparison of your lustrous face with the moon does not appear befitting. How can your scintillating face, that pleases the eyes of gods, angels, humans and other beings alike, be compared with the spotted moon that is dull and pale, during the day, as the Palasa leaves. Indeed, your face has surpassed all the standards of comparison.
14.सम्पूर्ण- मण्डल-शशाङ्क - कला-कलाप- शुभ्रा गुणास् - त्रि-भुवनं तव लङ्घयन्ति। ये संश्रितास् - त्रि-जगदीश्वरनाथ-मेकं, कस्तान् निवारयति सञ्चरतो यथेष्टम् Sampurna mandala shashanka kala kalapa shubhra gunastribhuvanam tava langhayanti Ye sanshritastrijagadishvara! nathamekam kastan nivarayati sancharato yatheshtam O Master of the three worlds! Your innumerable virtues are radiating throughout the universe-even beyond the three worlds, surpassing the glow of the full moon; the hymns in praise of your virtues can be heard everywhere throughout the universe. Indeed, who can contain the movement of devotees of the only supreme Godhead like you?
15.चित्रं - किमत्र यदि ते त्रिदशाङ्ग-नाभिर्- नीतं मनागपि मनो न विकार - मार्गम् । कल्पान्त - काल - मरुता चलिताचलेन, किं मन्दराद्रिशिखरं चलितं कदाचित् Chitram kimatra yadi te tridashanganabhir nitam managapi mano na vikara margam. Kalpanta kala maruta chalitachalena kim mandaradri shikhiram chalitamkadachit Celestial nymphs have tried their best to allure you through lewd gestures, but it is not surprising that your serenity has not been disturbed. Of course, is the great Mandara mountain shaken by the tremendous gale of the doomsday, that moves common hillocks?
16.निर्धूम - वर्ति - रपवर्जित - तैल-पूर:, कृत्स्नं जगत्त्रय - मिदं प्रकटीकरोषि। गम्यो न जातु मरुतां चलिताचलानां, दीपोऽपरस्त्वमसि नाथ ! जगत्प्रकाश: Nnirdhumavartipavarjita taila purah kritsnam jagat trayamidam prakati karoshi. Gamyo na jatu marutam chalitachalanam dipoaparastvamasi natha ! jagatprakashah You are O Master, an irradiating divine lamp that needs neither a wick nor oil,and is smokeless, yet enlightens three realms. Even the greatest of storm that does not effect it.
17.नास्तं कदाचिदुपयासि न राहुगम्य:, स्पष्टीकरोषि सहसा युगपज्- जगन्ति। नाम्भोधरोदर - निरुद्ध - महा- प्रभाव:, सूर्यातिशायि-महिमासि मुनीन्द्र! लोके Nastam kadachidupayasi na rahugamyah spashtikaroshi sahasa yugapajjaganti. Nnambhodharodara niruddha maha prabhavah suryatishayimahimasi munindra! loke O Great one ! Your glory is greater than that of the sun. The sun rises every day but sets as well. The sun suffers eclipse, is obstructed by the clouds, but you are no such sun. Your infinite virtues and passionlessness cannot be eclipsed. The sun slowly shines over different parts of the world, but the glory of your omniscience reaches every part of the world, all at once.
18.नित्योदयं दलित - मोह - महान्धकारं, गम्यं न राहु - वदनस्य न वारिदानाम्। विभ्राजते तव मुखाब्ज - मनल्पकान्ति, विद्योतयज्-जगदपूर्व-शशाङ्क-बिम्बम् Nityodayam dalitamoha mahandhakaram gamyam na rahuvadanasya na varidanam. Vibhrajate tava mukhabjamanalpakanti vidyotayajjagadapurvashashanka bimbam. O Master! Your beautiful face transcends the moon. The moon shines only at night but your face is always beaming. The moon light dispels darkness only to a some level, your face dispels the delusion of ignorance and desire. The moon is eclipsed as well as obscured by clouds, but there is nothing that can shadow your face.
19.किं शर्वरीषु शशिनाह्नि विवस्वता वा, युष्मन्मुखेन्दु- दलितेषु तम:सु नाथ! निष्पन्न-शालि-वन-शालिनी जीव-लोके, कार्यं कियज्जल-धरै-र्जल-भार-नमै्र: Kim sharvarishu shashinanhi vivasvata va yushman mukhendu daliteshu tamassu natha! Nishpanna shalivana shalini jivaloke karyam kiyajjaladharairjalabhara namraih. O God ! Your aura dispels the perpetual darkness. The sun beams during the day and the moon during the night, but your ever radiant face sweeps away the darkness of the universe. Once the crop is ripe what is the need of the cloud full of rain.
20.ज्ञानं यथा त्वयि विभाति कृतावकाशं, नैवं तथा हरि -हरादिषु नायकेषु। तेजो महा मणिषु याति यथा महत्त्वं, नैवं तु काच -शकले किरणाकुलेऽपि Jyanam yatha tvayi vibhati kritavakasham naivam tatha Hari Haradishu nayakeshu. Tejah sfuran manishu yati yatha mahattvam naivam tu kachashakale kiranakuleapi. O Superme God! The infinite and eternal knowledge that you have, is not possessed by any other deity in this world. Indeed,the splendor and shine of priceless jewels can not be seen in the glass pieces shining in the light.